What's New
Updated Navigation, Crafts Page & More
Nov 26, 2023

New Features and improvements

Streamlined navigation with dynamic and accessible elements for an intuitive user experience.

Crafts Section

Introduced a dedicated space to showcase design experiments and tutorials, sharing knowledge in basic design and code.

Performance Optimization

Removed heavy components and eliminated redundant code for enhanced loading speed and overall efficiency.

November 18 Update
Nov 18, 2023


After tirelessly designing and coding from scratch for the past 3-4 months, I'm thrilled to unveil the initial version (v1.0) of my personal portfolio website. As an ongoing project, I'm embracing the #buildwithpublic approach to share my progress and invite valuable feedback.

Please be aware that this initial release may contain broken links, layout shifts, and incomplete content. However, I'm committed to continuous improvement and will actively add new features and content in the future.

Your feedback is crucial in shaping this project. Feel free to reach out via DM or email to share your thoughts and suggestions.

© 2024 Anjil Bishowkarma
Reach me at a@anjil.meor Find me on